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Your Time Matters


Your work matters. Interrupting your focus of caring for others to perform the time-consuming task of filling shifts in a pinch is frustrating at best. ShiftLink is not a band-aid fix. It is a response to your deepest need — to spend more time on what truly matters.


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We Understand Your Needs

We’ve been in your shoes.


Our background working in healthcare allowed us to see firsthand how costly filling vacant shifts could be. We saw how inefficient it was to make phone call after phone call while the important work of helping people was on standby. We saw how it could consume a manager’s whole day and already limited resources, leaving them frustrated and defeated. We watched staff feeling guilty about turning down a shift or angry about being cajoled into one they didn’t want.


Worst of all, we saw how this process led to extended wait times and cancelled service for clients and their families.


Nobody was winning. Everybody was tired and frustrated.


There had to be a better way.


At the time there wasn’t, so we created ShiftLink.


Woman using a phone


Our mission was simple from the start — to give people their time back so they can focus on the work that matters most to them and is most impactful to the community that needs it.


We want the manager helping women in domestic violence shelters to be able to give them their undivided attention and not worry about filling a shift. We want the individual serving food to people experiencing homelessness at the shelter, to do so with their full heart, and not worry about stepping away to make phone calls.


This is deeply impactful work, and it should not be hurried or distracted. Least of all by menial administrative tasks.


Whether your work is in healthcare, non profit community and social services, or federally qualified health care, ShiftLink helps to eliminate this universal issue through technology that is already familiar to you and your staff.


Our clients love the time and cost it saves them, but also rave about how easy ShiftLink is to learn and use. That’s something that makes us enormously proud as we know that making a difference requires less complication, not more.


Want to try it out for yourself?


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The People In Your Corner


“An efficient shift management process is automated, paperless, and requires few phone calls. Our team works closely with organizations to make this possible, and provide support wherever we can.”


- Julie Adams, CEO

“We are happy to offer a solution that can help any organization ensure their focus remains where it is needed most, on clients, patients and customers.”


- Richard Bicknell, COO

“Our development team is proud to provide a configurable solution that can adapt to any organization, and provide our customers with quality service.”


- Justin Kostek, CTO

Filling Shifts with ShiftLink is as easy as 1-2-3


1. Post an available shift.

Your staff are notified instantly and have an equal amount of time to respond.

2. Employees review the shift details.

Using our mobile app, email or text, staff can simply choose Accept or Decline.

3. Fill the shift!

Select the appropriate staff member and employees are automatically notified of the outcome.


It’s really that simple.


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